Thursday, December 10, 2009


I survived my surgery. I was pretty scared yesterday, especially when I found out that I would have to be completely put under. Apparently the surgery was too involved to just sedate me.
I had a screw or two put in (I have no idea). All I know is that when I got home, I mostly slept. I do remember the kids coming in to see me. Kate and Ryan were especially sweet. She kept kissing my forehead, and Ryan snuggled with me and told me he loved me. That made it all worth it.
I was in intense pain all night. I was only told to take one tylenol/codeine...not enough. It was a sleepless night.
Today I am better. I got to take two pills. Thad and I spent the day together, which never happens. I have been lying around all day. I did try to be supermom tonight and get Brady out of the tub with one foot. That landed us both on the floor, and once again, I was in pain.
Thad has been so good to me. He always is. I told him that even though I can be ungrateful, I sooooo appreciate him.
That's about it. I am hoping to feel strong enough on my foot by Monday.....
thanks for your kid words and prayers!


Unknown said...
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Erin said...

I'm so glad Thad is staying home to take care of you (at least today). Now, just quit trying to do too much before you're ready!!! Thad, Ryan, and Kate can all lift Brady. You can cuddle and hold him all you want while you're LYING IN BED. Love you, sis!

Unknown said...

Okay, first off you really need to focus the on yourself to get then speedy recovery I know you want. No more carrying freshly bathed babies until you are steady in your boot. Make sure to eat some chocolate and RELAX.

TBRKO said...

Thad was about to leave for hockey with one else was home. I insisted on doing it. You are all right, though, it was dumb.
I have had my share of crap food melissa. I even had my mom buy me a big frosted cookie from the grocery store.

Kris said...

Take care of yourself Bonnie! And by the way, they sent me home from BRAIN SURGERY with Tylenol 3....are you kidding me?

Kris said...

oops...I posted before I was done. Anyway, Tylenol 3 is NOT enough after surgery!!! hope you feel better soon.