Friday, January 16, 2009

Back to normal....

Ryan is back to his old self. Case in point: Last night I asked Ryan in a joking fashion about him kissing a girl at a Sunday night birthday party. I kid you not.

The mom and Thad were talking. Apparently her daughter told her, she told Thad, Thad told me, and I was asked to talk to Ryan. So I did. To write that he flipped out wouldn't do it justice. He started yelling that I was a liar, she was a liar, it never happened, etc. Then came the throwing of anything near him. Of course, being the awesome mother I am, I told him that he was the one lying, and that wasn't acceptable. I said, "Ryan no one is even mad about this. I just am asking. Seriously you are too young for this." Then-proud parenting moment here--he throws a doll at me. It wasn't a hard throw, but Thad sent him to his room for the night. Apparently in cop land, throwing something at some one with the intent to hurt someone is illegal.

After my dear child was calmed down, I went in again. I explained that I wasn't trying to upset him and that I do respect his privacy (which obviously is important to him). He is still denying it, which ticks me off. That is a LIE. I hate those.

Anyway ever since then he has been sassier than ever. Since I threatened to pull his playing time in tomorrow's hockey game, he has cooled a bit. I was starting to worry that I really was positively impacting him!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hang in there, Bonnie...