I am a little tentative in writing this, because in no way to I want to come off as ungrateful, unkind, or anything else. But, Thad and I have grown increasingly frustrated with our second child.
To her credit, Kate is our kindest, gentlest, most sensitive, and loving child. She has a heart of gold. However, what we struggle with is: whining, helplessness, lack of coordination, and an overwhelming need to follow others. Ironically, the things that we have found most difficult about Ryan are polar opposites of Kate's. Part of the problem is that these traits that we struggle with regarding Kate were a non-issue with Ryan.
1. Riding a bike...we went for a 'family walk'/bike ride. Training wheels were a struggle for her! With that comes the whining that drives me crazy. Last night she wanted the training wheels taken off. Thad about lost it after ten minutes. There is no drive to push through fears or to just try a little bit. "I can't" is something we hear too often.
2. She wanted bangs a week ago. You would have thought that WWIII had broken out. That was all she talked about for two days. One kid said her hair looked weird, and she was so devastated. (Not that I don't sympathize with her, but I would like her to not care quite so much as a FIVE year old.)
3. Every other sentence is: "How come I can't..." or "It's not fair that..." She has even said that when Olivia or Ryan is sick b/c they get popsicles. Excuse me did you want to throw up all night?
I could go on and on, but that isn't very nice. The point is that there is no such thing as an easy child. Strengths from one child could very well be another's weakness. I remember when we were in Oklahoma City for Elli's wedding. We came back after a long weekend to a son who taught himself to ride bike. Shave Ryan's head or do whatever, but he could care less. And of all the issues we have with Ryan, he does not whine at all.
For now Thad and I need to work on our lack of patience dealing with this. I know all you moms out there get stressed out with your kids too. Thanks for letting me vent. Now to be honest, I would like to go find Miss Kate and give her a big hug!