Monday, April 23, 2007


My sociology students just completed our chapter on Culture. The last essay question on the test asked, "Is there anything in our culture that you dislike?" The overwhelming answer was that Americans focus WAY too much on money. Students wrote how people always want bigger and better items, put more time into work than family, or that kids feel that they are always being judged based on what they have...or don't have.
Not only was I impressed with their answers but I also completely agreed. I too am guilty of the "money" issue. I always yearn for more money, or at least the things that more money can get me: a roomier home, family vacations, the lack of stress about upcoming payments, etc. I hate how I see others living and I wonder, "How can they do that? That item costs A LOT of money!"
Growing up, we didn't have Ipods, cellphones, cable (back in the day), or more than one vehicle. We survived too! My parents always stressed that you really can't afford to buy something that you can't pay off at the end of the month. So why the need to "have more?" It's a shame really. A foreign exchange student from Poland can't believe the overall lack of values that Americans have that truly matter in life.

I feel quite good about the values that we instill in our children, but I am not in denial. Our kids are hearing us talk of money, wanting updated items, and I am sure it is being absorbed into those little impressionable minds. Hopefully other important values will prevail!

1 comment:

ABCDH said...

I couldn't agree more! I am among the guilty as well. Sometimes when I lay in bed at night I'll start thinking about bills and where I'm going to get the money for this or that and I have to stop myself and invision my little girls laying in bed - happy and healthy - and remember that is what's really important.