Friday, April 16, 2010

it gets better

If you haven't yet read the post prior to this, you must. The comments are funny too. My friend Stephanie, who was adjoined my hip for the better part of elementary-7th grade (and still to this day a dear, dear friend) just might remember some of this. I know she remembered some stuff b/c she told me so in my last post. So here is a continuation....

Last night after I posted, the phone rang again. My kids were in bed, but as fast as Ryan could bolt out of his room, he took the call. It was the girl that he asked out. She called to tell him that she didn't say no...she said maybe. Ryan, "Okay bye." !?!?!?
This morning, long before I am up, I hear the shower going. Oh jeez....Ryan! He informed me that he is now going to shower daily. That's fine by me. Most active ten year old boys need that anyway. As I am drying my hair, I saw him looking in my jewelry. He walked away. I blew it off. A minute later, Kate came and started digging through it. I asked what they were doing. She said she needed a box. I asked why. She told me she couldn't tell me.
Ryan came in and said, "Kate said I need a box to give (girl) something."
Me: "What are you giving her?"
Ryan slowly opened his hand to show me some earrings to giver. They were Kate's. They were used. She didn't want them. Oh my goodness.
I finished drying my hair, and I instantly had a flashback to fifth grade. I too received a gift of used earrings taken from a sister from a boyfriend. It was the biggest turn off (not that fifth graders get "turned on")>
I called Ryan to my room and did the Sophia from the Golden Girls: "Picture it....1987...I got used earrings Ryan, and that's no gift." He agreed, and I thought it was over. But of course, it wasn't. (Steph do you remember this? E.B was the boy)
As I went downstairs to eat breakfast, I saw them making something. Kate had a fake "medal" necklace (like Olympians get), but you can put things in the medal part. Ryan wrote the girl's name on a piece of paper and put it in the medal.
Finally I said, "Ryan I'm sorry, but I need to save you from embarrassment. This is a little ridiculous. You told her you liked her. She said maybe. Wait for her to come to you. Don't give her anything." Even Thad interjected. Ryan got our point, and went to school with nothing.
The funny thing was that Kate--his mortal enemy--was his little advisor.
I will keep you posted!


Dr. J said...

This might be a more interesting storyline then "The Symbol" which I'm currently reading :)

Unknown said...

Oh, I am intrigued. I am now living vicariously through 4th graders...really?

Unknown said...

But still ver intrigued! Looking forward to an update!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I have to agree with the 3 comments you have received- I am also intrigued and living vicariously through 4th graders! This reminds me somewhat of conversations we had when you were in high school!

Dr. J, wait until you get to the end of the book- you will wonder why you read it at all. Another case of an author "striking while the iron is hot" on prior successes.


Anonymous said...

Oh lord! She called back and said "maybe"? I love it! 4th,5th & 6th grade were all pretty innocent for us. Silly crushes and plastic rings from skateland. It sounds like not much has changed since "our days". But, the cell phones would scare me if I were a parent! I vaguely remember E.B. and the sister's earrings...Ha!

Erin said...

Keep the stories coming, Bonnie! I didn't have any idea your middle grades were so eventful. Unfortunately, we lived in Perham during my 4th and 5th grade years. More torment than fond memories!

Unknown said...

Hello friend,
I miss you.

Erin said...

We need a new post to read!