Thursday, May 21, 2009


Many of you have heard my big news, but for those of you who haven't, I am getting braces. Yes, the girl who has straight teeth AND who wore a back brace for three years (so I feel like I did my time with the brace thing).
I guess growing older has some drawbacks huh? I will be getting them on June 2, and I should wear them for 14 months. Then I get to get my teeth equilibrated (wtf?), a crown put on my back tooth, and who knows what else.
In the grand scheme of life, it's no big deal, but financially, this is not ideal. Then again, it could always be worse right?


ABCDH said...

Can we call you metal mouth and stuff so you don't feel left out of the whole Jr. high braces thing??

Erin said...

Yeah, how about Bonnie Brace-Face? You know I'm kidding, right? You're beautiful just the way you are, with or without braces.

Unknown said...

Erin took my name for are going to like metalicious!! Spelling?

TBRKO said...

I told kids that I would be wearing a GRILL and not braces. I am soooo ghetto aren't I ?"
I do like metalicious though....

ABCDH said...

Yeah, you can be like "get up out my grill!"