Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Go girls!

I don't get the opportunity to write about my girls and their activities as often as I do Ryan. Kate had her first baseball game yesterday. She did very well, and more importantly, she told me she had a lot of fun!
Swimming lessons began for all three kids yesterday too. Olivia has been asking to do it too, but I figured that she is too young. I asked the staff at MSUM if she could 'walk on' the first day. If she was successful, I would pay on the spot. Sure enough she had a blast! She kept yelling, "Look mama!" It was quite sweet.
Don't worry, I can't forget about Ryan. He is doing well at swimming too, and tonight he has a game. His games have been rained out lately, but surely tonight we can enjoy one!


ABCDH said...

We have Olivia's swimsuit in an infant size!!
What grade is Kate going to be in? To think we were just little children when we first met.....

TBRKO said...

Kate will be in first grade this fall!
That suit actually used to be Kate's! We met in third grade...so she is close!