Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's a.....GIRL!

My sister, her husband, and sons Grant & Ross are the proud mother, father, brothers to Hope Caroline Gillett. She was born this morning at 2am on the dot! We were thinking this baby wasn't going to come out--ever. Her doctor wanted to schedule an induction, but the hospitals didn't get back to her about setting a date. Last night, Erin's water broke. She called me to tell me at 10pm. After a sleepless night, she called me at 6:50am to tell me that she had a GIRL. For those of you who don't know, Erin and Kris were done having kids. This pregnancy was a 100% surprise. She had always wanted a girl, but had come to terms with not having one. When she found out they were expecting, she opted to not find when she told me girl, I was thrilled for her. This is a little miracle baby.
On another note, Erin has had two big boy babies. Ross was 9lbs. and two weeks early! Hope was almost a week late and came in at 6 lbs 15 oz.
There is nothing like the birth of a child to just fill my heart with pure joy. As I held her today I (once again) wondered why we can't afford to have ten more kids. I have always said that if I could, I would have baby after baby. I love babies, toddlers, children, and all of it. Okay not the throw up part, but you get my drift.....
I will post pictures tomorrow. I went up straight from work and took about 40 pictures with their camera.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and your family Bon. All the best health and happiness to them.

Jenay said...

Congratulations Antie! That is wonderful news!

ABCDH said...

Yeah! That gives me hope that maybe my fetus could actually be a BOY!
I love your enthusiasm for kids - I am the exact same way and most people roll their eyes at me when I say I'd have 10 if I could.
Maybe we have more in common than we ever thought????
Congrats to Erin and her big family!

TBRKO said...

AJ: We do have a lot in common. We both love to laugh, make people laugh, act like dorks, enjoy classic rock, and also.......have lots of kids.
Oh and we both loved R.G. in 3rd grade!

ABCDH said...

R.G.!! I wonder what ever happened to him??
Man, I hope my girls don't get crushes that soon.....