Saturday, December 1, 2007

Busy day

Even with lots of snow we had much to do today. Thad and Ryan had hockey practice at 8am. Ryan and Kate had skating too. Olivia and I went to Target to stock up on 'stuff.' At 3:30, Ryan had his first reconciliation. We had been getting ready for awhile for this. He and I went to confession together. Ryan was nervous but did quite well. I did too, and I think the biggest confession for me was I couldn't remember the last time I had gone. After that we trudged through the snow to go out to Mexican Village with our neighbors and then to Cold Stone for some ice cream. Thad had to snowblow our seven and a half inches (and counting) of snow. The kids and I snuggled and watched a video. Now they are sleeping, Thad is watching tv, and I am ready to read!

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