My friend Kim was a most wonderful host. I can't begin to tell you about the spread of food she provided: ribs, wieners wrapped in bacon, four different dips, texas cavier, crackers, fruits, veggies, birthday cake, bars, and more than I am forgetting.
The best part? Watching my children enjoy themselves. Kate in particular amazes me. This little girl, for as shy as she can be, has more gumption in her than anyone I know. She tubed, she jetskied, she jumped off the dock, and did everything I never would have dared too.
Oh, and this old bat who is dreadfully afraid of lake water, was coerced to tube with Kate. I thought we were going at a blazing speed, but Kim's husband Jeff said that if I wanted to continue, we had to go faster for the sake of his boat. What? Thad made me jet ski too. I think most of Big Cormorant heard me screaming bloody murder.
Even Brady after about four or five hours of fearing the water finally got in with his dad. Can we go back???
Not mine! Rick Westra of RWP who photos all athletic stuff around here and some other college hockey teams took them all. Another privilege of the day!
Melissa and Bonnie, think you just made Rick's day... he'll be happy to hear. It was such a good time and i'm drooling at the thought of going again.
There's no need to drool everyone, just call. Now you know where we are every weekend. Can't guarantee the same spread, but there's always burgers and brats! Bonnie I think the only thing that saved you from not being dumped was Kate. Dad's never want to dump/scare kids so you may want to remember next time, take a small one with you! I heard your hubby offer to pay Jeff to dump you! :-) Glad you all had fun, we enjoyed the company and watching the kids have a great time. And glad we could be a part of your "first lake experience". I have to agree with Melissa too the pictures Rick took were great! I'm hoping to have him down more often to teach me a few things with my camera! Looks like it may be win win for all of us!!
I've never heard Bonnie scream so was classic!
I was screaming/almost crying. Kim...when you are able, let us know. We will be there. We just have to make sure it works for you and your fam damily.
Looks like an awesome day! Kevin and I miss our lake home all of the time. The pics of your family are awesome. Great time!
Haha...such cute pictures!! I am giggling out loud at the pic of bonnie on the tube and thinking about you screaming bloody murder. Awesome!
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