We have had Olivia's 5 year check up/shots & Brady's 18 month check up/shots.

We had the girls' end of the year dance recitals.

Thad, Kate, Olivia, and their posse of friends & dads went to the Butterfly Ball.

Kate had her 2nd grade program "Going Buggy."

Olivia had her spring program at preschool and received her diploma.

Ryan had his 4th grade program. I can't recall the name, but it was a salute to music of the last several decades.

Kate received her first Communion.
Now....baseball has begun, Olivia and I have a Mother's Day event at her preschool on Friday, I got to Fergus on Thursday for the TAH history grant I am in, and I leave for VEGAS on Friday with my sissy poo and mother. WHO HOO!
FINALLY! Happy Birthday to me! Xoxo- Melissa
Have fun in Vegas! The girls look adorable for their dance recitals and Daddy-daughter dance! But where did that baby boy go?
You've been BUSY! Vegas, here we come! who hoo!
Vicky can I just say that I am constantly smelling, cuddling, and doing everything with him. I am trying to savor every last baby moment...oh I could just eat him up.
You are so dang pretty - no wonder you have such cute kids.
Also, can you pack me in your Vegas luggage? Pleeeeeeease?
But what happened with Ryan and the girl? I have been waiting for another chapter!
Vick it fizzled out. Well actually he texted her NONSTOP for two days via his friend's cell phone. That was the weekend of the double dance recitals/butterfly ball. He flipped on me b/c I got after him about not texting anymore with her.
Anyway she decided that she liked him on Sunday, but since he was grounded from the phone, she couldn't "text" him this. By Monday she changed her mind.
Funny you mentioned it, because out of the blue today, there is a message from her on our answering machine! His response? Oh we prank called her after school...UGH.
AJ: You need your vision checked. :)
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