1. Was in 6th grade at the then Moorhead Middle School North Campus
2. Had a boyfriend who would dump me on my 12th birthday...but that's okay because I already had a crush on my friend Tricia's brother.
3. Had my first kiss with this boyfriend at Skateland
10 years ago I:
1. Was newly married
2. Working at Kohl's
3. Ready to student teach & graduate
5 years ago I:
1. Had two children ages 3 and 1
2. Was preparing to build a new house
3. I have no clue!
3 years ago I:
1. Had a newborn little girl
2. Trying to lose baby weight
3. Getting ready to send Ryan to kindergarten & Kate to preschool
1 year ago I:
1. Was ready for school to be done
2. Getting ready to go to FL or a week in June with the fam
3. Went to Vegas in August
So far this year I:
1. Have become pregnant
2. Went to Disney World again with the fam
3. Am counting the days until Kate's birthday (6/4), last day of work (6/5), and Vegas (6/9)!
Yesterday I:
1. Worked
2. Continued to read the Barbara Walters book
3. Did a few loads of laundry, actually hung out with Thad outside, went to Target with Olivia, bathed the girls, and snuggled with Ryan after the other kids were asleep.
Today I:
1. Am working
2. Can't wait to eat left over taco pizza for lunch
3. Have no clue what to make for supper
Tomorrow I:
1. Will work
2. Will eat a lot
3. Enjoy my family
In the next year I:
1. Will have another baby and try to enjoy ever last second of him/her
2. Try to stay sane while juggling baby, kids, activities up the wazoo, and work
3. Have a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and a preschooler